Our services are not limited only to major cities, but rural areas as well. We have a comprehensive coverage with general practitioners and specialists across Brazil, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Panama, Perú, USA, Mexico, Australia and New Zealand, as well as an extensive rural coverage in Latin America, Europe, Asia and the Middle East.
Always worrying to get the more convenient prices without sacrificing quality.We aim to fulfill the requirements and needs of our clients, providing house-call visits (where the service is available), appointments with general practitioners and specialists, ambulance, hospital, transportation, medical and funeral repatriation as well as added services throughout the world, with which you can count 365 days a year, developing together with them the product that best solves your needs.
Consultations on the same day at clinics in our network
Medical Visits
Consultations with specialists
House-call visits
Lab tests and imaging
Dental consultations
Medical monitoring and reporting
Physiotherapy and other complementary medical services
Guarantee and payment of medical expenses
Ambulance and taxi service
Organization of repatriation arrangements
Air Ambulance, ambulance and medical escorts
Medical and funeral repatriations
Private physicians worldwide
Hotel reservations
Air tickets